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Event {e·vent}

Event {e·vent}
A thing that happens, especially one of importance.


At Venue 310 we think every event is important! Let us provide the space for your next special event or meeting! Here are some of the amenities we are proud to provide;

  • 1,000sq ft Entertainment Room

  • Seating and Tables for ~60 guests 

  • Kitchen for Meal Prep or Caterer Use

  • Kid Friendly Space

  • Street and Private Parking

  • Bright and Happy Environment  


No decorations? No problem. We have a growing collection of decorations you're welcome to borrow. You’re also welcome to leave your extras behind for somebody else to use! We have the perfect spot to hang that piñata you're debating on!

Let's Party!

Family Owned 

My Husband and I purchased Venue 310 as my photography studio, after holding a few birthdays and baby showers with our friends and family we knew it would be perfect for an event space. I moved my studio to the back of the building and we worked hard to create Venue 310. Our kids love helping and playing at the venue. We hope other families enjoy it as well!  

Emelia Assel
Co-Owner & Decorator  

Building With A Story

We still don’t know what she was built for or what year that was. Here is what we do know!

1925-1936 It was the Post Office until the “new one” was built on 4th and Main street.

1939 it was the local factory for "Hollywood Maxwell"  until they moved to the old YMCA.

In the 1960s it was used as Eagan’s as an office supply and printing business.

There was a movie filmed in Cameron and it was in the background for a few seconds in 1969. “ADAM at 6am” is the movie. It was still an Eagan’s building at that time.

It was then  Dr. Schmidt's medical clinic 1969-2004

At some point it was a children’s church for the church located in the old Ritz theater across the street.

And we bought it from a couple who owns The Adopt Shoppe, an online store that sells gifts with bible verses to raise money for adoption. They moved but still have an online store

Cameron Historical Society helped supply some of the information above!
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